Abstracts will be eligible for
the following categories

Application Deadline 15 Dec 2023

Submission closed


1.Abstracts must be original work.

2.No authors may be added or deleted after the abstract submission deadline.

3.Word Count = 250 words. You may copy-paste from Word, and the entire abstract body will be entered as a single field.

4.Submitted abstract titles must NOT contain trade names.


1.Videos submissions require submission of an abstract. 

2.Videos must follow the following video format; Video title. Disclosure. Clinical presentation & indication of surgery. Preoperative images/ endoscopy. Operative procedure with emphasis on: trocar placement, dissection, and resection and reconstruction. Postoperative course and outcome. Conclusion. Videos must not exceed 5 minutes in length. Videos must include verbal narration. Narration must use generic terms and no use of commercial/proprietary names is allowed.

3.If you submit a video to SASMBS, you must not submit to another conference until you have received a response.

4.Videos are not to have been presented at any other prior major meeting or event.

Submission closed